2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.”
What are you afraid of? Is it doing something God has called you to do? Is it letting your grandma down? Is it the future? Maybe you have no idea what you want to do when you leave home and it’s frightening. Fear is so real. And often, if we spend a lot of time dwelling on our fears, they will cripple us.
The more we focus on fear, the bigger fear gets in our life. So if you spend lots of time dwelling on your fear, you’ll never get to where God wants you to be. That’s why the Bible spends time speaking about fear. God knows that we all face fears. However, He gives us lots of verses on where our focus should be when we’re afraid.
The Bible tells us time and time again that we are to fear not. We’re not to dwell on fearful thoughts. Instead, we’re to focus on God. The more we focus on God and His love for us, it makes fear disappear in our lives.
Today, take some time to think about where your thoughts are focused on. If most of your thoughts are focused on your fear, you’ll be fearful. If instead, you choose to think about God and how much He loves you, you’ll find that fear has to go. So today be encouraged, God isn’t the source of fear. He wants to provide you freedom from fear.