Once I was young, and now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread. – Psalm 37:25 (NLT)
Times like these can really cause you to question your faith. You might feel mad at God because you aren’t able to see your friends. Perhaps you see everyone fighting to get groceries and feel like everything is not right in the world.
When we go through difficult seasons in our lives, it can easily cause us to question the goodness of God. With people being scared, sick and dying, those feelings are understandable.
Here’s the truth: God is good. Even in the midst of a storm, the goodness of God is there.
God has always protected and provided for His children. You’re not an exception. God will provide for you.
God is good. He loves you and He will help you get through these tough times. Stay close to Him. Read your Bible and pray. Use these times to draw close to God and get to know Him more. As you do, you’ll realize how great it is to serve such a good God.