Do you have an event you’d like to share on The Z? Here are a couple options we have for you to send your request in to get the word out about your event!
Option 1: Announcements are offered at no charge for churches and non-profit organizations. Space is limited and fills up quickly. Your announcement will air 2 to 3 weeks before the event as time allows.
A) To record at The Z studios, call our office (864.583.7045 ext 1767) to make an appointment to come and record your message. Please call 5 weeks to 6 weeks in advance of your event.
B) Send us a “voice only” (no background music) 30 second message on CD, or email your message as an MP3 (128) format 5-6 weeks in advance of your event. Email it to [email protected].
Option 2: THIS OPTION DOES NOT GUARANTEE AIR TIME. If space is available, your event will air a few days prior to the event as a “DJ Mention” between songs. You may email your information to [email protected] to be considered for air play.
- Area radio station air talent is prohibited from voicing spots for The Z.
- If you are the person performing or speaking at the event, the host of the event must be the one to work directly with The Z.
Please be sure to call us with your questions, and thanks for allowing us to serve you in this way!
Office: 864.583.7245 ext. 1767
Email: [email protected]