There are so many reasons to be upset right now. Maybe you’re at a new school. Perhaps your school isn’t meeting in person. For many people, this school year is a scary and uncertain time.
However, even in the middle of all the uncertainty, we can determine to practice joy. You can be full of joy even when it seems like nothing is going the way you want it to go.
You can choose joy in the middle of the storm, not because you’re so amazing, but because you know a God who is. God says He won’t leave you. He won’t forsake you. You’re not doing all this alone.
If you’re discouraged, take some time to see if you need to spend more time encouraging yourself in God’s word. Find scriptures that speak to what bothers you most about this year and write them out. Put them on your mirror or in a place you’ll see them each day. Feed on God’s word and choose to be full of joy this school year!