Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – 1 Samuel 15:29

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion on the Faithfulness of God

“And He who is the Glory of Israel will not lie, nor will He change His mind, for He is not human that He should change His mind. ” – 1 Samuel 15:29 (NLT)

One of the best things about God is His faithfulness. He isn’t like the people at your school that suddenly decide they don’t like you because of what you wore today to school. He’s not like the people you know who say they’re going to do something and then forget. God is refreshingly different. This Bible verse says that He won’t lie and won’t change His mind.

Sometimes it can be hard to put your trust in God because we expect Him to be like all the other people in our lives who sometimes let us down. We know people that say one thing but mean another, or don’t follow through with their promises. However, that is the opposite of how God is.

God always comes through. He never gives up on us and He doesn’t lie or change His mind. God is the one constant in your life that you can always count on. Be encouraged today that you can trust in God’s faithfulness.

Learn more about God’s faithfulness in this devotion.

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