Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. – Colossians 3:15
I noticed recently that I hadn’t had a lot of peace. I’d been stressed out about my job and relationships and there was absolutely no peace ruling in my heart. I wanted to curl up in bed and not come out for a long time.
You’ve probably faced circumstances like I have that made you want to tune everything in the world out. Maybe an assignment, teacher or tough relationship has been stressing you out. It’s hard to have peace in your heart when it seems like so many things are against you, externally.
Today’s Bible verse says something interesting about peace. At the end of the verse, it tells us to be thankful. How do we practice being thankful when things are going so wrong? I believe it’s by starting to be thankful. Even when things are hard there is something you can find to be thankful about. When you focus your energy on being thankful, even for the smallest things, it’s a lot easier to be at peace.