For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. – Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)
Have you ever been guilty of making decisions based on fear? Maybe you’re concerned what your friends will think of you, so you give into peer pressure just so you don’t lose face with them. Maybe you want to try out for the basketball team, but the fear of not making the cut keeps you from trying.
Fear is something we all face at times in our lives. And so you might wonder, is it possible to live a life that is free from fear? Today’s Bible verse seems to indicate that it is. God tells us not to fear. God wouldn’t tell us not to do something if it was impossible to do.
Many times, fear is based in the unknown. We might not know what will happen so we act differently, hold back or stop in our tracks. This is the enemy’s ploy. He knows that if he can get us afraid we won’t do the things God is calling us to do. We will be afraid to tell others about Jesus, we won’t pray for the person going through a struggle or go on the missions trip God is calling us to go on.
So if you’ve be bound by fear, choose today to face your fear head-on. Confront the fears and lies that have held you back. Determine that you will live courageously and boldly for God. Choose today to live fearless!