For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind. – James 1:16 (NLT)
Being jealous of others and comparing yourself to others is such an easy habit to fall into. Maybe you see a friend getting promoted at their job and you feel no one notices your hard work. Perhaps you see everyone around you in a relationship and you feel like you’ll never meet someone special to date.
When you compare yourself with others and become jealous, you can’t be content. Comparision is one of the quickest ways to unhappiness. If you spend all your time thinking about how your life doesn’t measure up to the lives of others you’ll never be truly happy.
If you want to do great things for God, choose to stop being jealous of the lives of others. Instead, find ways to be happy with who you are in Christ Jesus. Ask God to show you your strengths and choose to focus on using those strengths to help others. Contentment comes from focusing on who you are in Jesus