I say, “The LORD is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in him.” – Lamentations 3:24 (CSB)
Where you put your hope says a lot about what’s important to you. Perhaps you put your hope in popularity or in your ability to get good grades to get a scholarship to college. Maybe your hope is in your musical skills and that one day you’ll make it big.
There are so many different places to put our hope in. It’s almost easy to forget about putting our hope in God. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in the concerns of life that we forget that God is where our hope should be.
Jesus should be where we are placing our hope. When life gets tough and things aren’t going the way we think they should, having hope in Jesus will help you get through. So take some time today and get real with yourself. Ask yourself where are you putting your hope? Is it in Jesus? Or have you taken your eyes off Jesus and put your hope in something else?
If you realize that you’ve begun to put your hope in something other than Jesus, choose today to put your hope back in Him. Choose to live a life fully devoted to Him.