There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. – 1 John 4:18 (MSG)
How do we get rid of fear in our lives? There are so many kinds of fear and each one stops us from enjoying life. So how can we get rid of something like fear that just seems to be unstoppable?
Today’s Bible verse lays out a great suggestion about how to combat fear. It tells us that love banishes fear. As you focus on God’s love, fear has to go in your life. When you spend time thinking about how much God loves you, you begin to realize that He wants to take care of every aspect of your life.
That means the history test you are worried about, you can give that to God. If you’re worried that you’ll never meet the right person to marry, you can relax knowing that God will bring it to pass. If you’re scared that you’ll not have enough money, you can find freedom in trusting God with your finances. God will take care of every area of your life, if you’ll allow Him access into your life. So choose today to think about how much God loves you and walk free from fear.