Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Proverbs 16:3

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion

Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed. – Proverbs 16:3 (NLT)

In yesterday’s devotion, we talked about the importance of writing your goals and dreams down. You should be setting goals and dreaming big for your future. However, there’s one thing you should remember in all your dreaming and goal setting, and that’s to keep God involved.

Your goals will never succeed if God isn’t in them. The right goal plus the right timing is what you need to get from God. Only God knows if the timing is right for your goal. There may be some goals that He tells you to wait on. Others He may tell you to move forward on. The main thing is to get God’s timing on your goals.

Getting God involved with your plans and goals this new year is important. God wants your goals and plans to succeed. So get Him involved. Pray over the goals you set for the new year. Ask Him for wisdom to help you make good decisions.

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