To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the LORD. Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn – Proverbs 1:7 (GNB)
Many students today don’t take time for God in their lives. Most of the reasons for not having time are legitimate. It may be due to being busy, the pressures of life, or some other reason. Regardless of the reason, this verse tells us that not making time for God in our lives is stupid.
Yeah, that hurts to hear, doesn’t it?
As a Christian, you should be wanting to know Jesus more. That should be one of your main desires.
There are treasures found within God’s word that can help with all the problems you face each day. God’s word is powerful and it can teach you amazing things. When you spend time in God’s word it is never wasted time. It helps you with every aspect of your life.
Read: How To Read Your Bible and Not Fall Asleep
When you spend time in God’s word, you gain practical wisdom on how to handle many of life’s challenges. Decide today that you’re not going to fill your life so full of other things that you have no time for God. Make knowing Him an important part of your life.