This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24 (NLT)
Right now it might feel hard to rejoice. Most likely your school has canceled for a few weeks, if not the rest of the year. If you’re a senior, you might be missing your last track meet, play practice, or school dance.
And it’s probably pretty hard to want to rejoice when it feels like you’re missing out on so many important things.
So how do you find ways to rejoice and be glad when you don’t feel it?
One easy way is to start to make a list. Grab a piece of paper or notes on your phone. List small things to be thankful. Maybe it’s that you don’t have to worry about your history presentation because that class is canceled. Can you thank God that the sun is out? What about all the extra time you have? Can you thank God for more time to spend reading your Bible?
Even if it’s small, work to find ways to rejoice. Even in the worst circumstances, if you try hard enough you can find something to rejoice about!