Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 69:30

Daily Bible Verse and Devotion on Thanksgiving for Teens

I will praise God’s name in song
and glorify him with thanksgiving. – Psalm 69:30 (NIV)

When you’re stressed out, it’s hard to be thankful. Maybe the pressures from your parents or friends seem overwhelming and it makes you want to give up. When you start to feel like that, one of the best things you can do is to start being thankful.

Thankfulness has a strange way of helping you. When you begin to be thankful, it makes you feel better. You begin to realize that even though you’re going through some tough things, there are still things to thank God for.

Today’s Challenge: Practice Thankfulness

What can you do today to be thankful? Could you take a moment and journal a list of things that are good in your life?

Taking time to practice thankfulness helps you. It makes you aware that God is working in your life. It keeps your attitude good too. You begin to realize that you have so many things to thank God for.

So today, if you’ve been guilty of being unhappy or stressed out about something, take some time to practice thankfulness. Choose to see the good things in your life and take time to thank God for them. Know that God loves you and is working mightily on your behalf.

Teen Devotion - Growing in GodIf you’d like a PDF copy of this 5-day challenge as well as some bonus content for further study, feel free to download Every Teenager’s Guide to Growing in God. 

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