Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 8:5

Bible Verse and Devotion - Psalm 8:5 self esteem

Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. – Psalm 8:5 (NLT)

You were created for great things. Don’t let yourself settle for anything less than God’s best. It can be easy to let what others have done to you or said about you influence how you see yourself. When you focus on those things, you can become down on yourself. However, the truth is, God doesn’t see you negatively.

God sees you as someone of great value. He sees who you are in Christ and because of that, you’re important to Him. However, it’s up to you to walk in that truth. You’ve got to put aside thoughts of fear and shame and choose to see yourself the way God does.

You weren’t created to be enslaved to fear or shame. You were created for a purpose. God has a plan for your life. So today, if you’ve listened to the lie that you are worthless, decide to see yourself differently. Choose to no longer look at your shortcomings, faults, and fears. Instead, choose to look to Jesus for your value. See yourself through God’s eyes. He has crowned you with glory and honor. You are important to God’s plan.

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