Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Psalm 91:10

Teen devotion coronavirus

no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. – Psalm 91:10 (NLT)

Fear. It’s so real. Especially when it seems like everyone is upset and panicking around you. The Coronavirus has gotten many of us afraid.

And it makes sense. It’s unknown and that makes it scary.

The thing is, however, that we have promises from God of protection. We know that God promises He will protect us and keep us safe. So even if we are faced with something unknown, we don’t have to panic. God will be right there with us, providing everything we need to get through it.

So if you’ve become fearful, determine today to get into God’s word. Read or listen to the things that God has promised you. As you do, it will build your faith.

Don’t live your life in fear. Look to God and know that you will come through it all ok.

Free Resource if you’re dealing with fear

Here’s a PDF Download we’re making free this week. Download it and encourage yourself in God’s Word.

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