Daily Bible Verse and Devotion – Romans 5:5

Why is there hate in the world?

There is so much division and hate right now going on in the world. We see people continually being mad about how people leadership are handling COVID. We see our friends being fickle and even bullying others around us.

All the unkindness and hate that is going on right now makes you wonder, why is there so much hate right now in the world?

Why is there HATE in the World?

That’s a great question. Why is there hate in the world? How come people don’t love and treat others with respect?

That’s a deep question to answer, but part of it is due to the fact that many people either don’t know Jesus or haven’t let the love of Jesus rule their hearts and lives.

And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love. – Romans 5:5 (NLT)

It’s hard to love others if you don’t first know that you’re loved by Jesus. When we know that fact and let the Holy Spirit fill our hearts with His love, it leads us to love others.

However, not everyone will choose to let the love of God flow out of them. Instead, it’s easier to respond in hate, anger and out of our flesh. So when you see hate in the world around you, use it as an opportunity to pray for those people.

Prayer changes things. So challenge yourself to pray for them to see how much God loves them and walk in that love each day.

Read: Tips for Dealing with Mean People