As Talked About During The Morning Show

In case you missed it or want to take a look for yourself, here are somethings talked about during the morning show with Britt and Liz!


Never waste leftovers again!

Find recipes and how you can use your leftover to make new yummy meals for you and the family HERE!


Do you know your Apology language?

Just like we have different love languages we need to learn how to communicate love to those around us, we also have different ways we prefer to communicate our apologies! You can find out what your apology language is here!


Top Restrooms in America Finalists


Vote HERE for the best restroom in American! (there are areas in the ZNation as finalists!)


A Mom’s Rules to teach daughters or granddaughters: Sent in by Laura Chase


• Travel light through life. Keep only what you need.

• It’s okay to cry when you’re hurt. It’s also okay to smash (some) things; but, wash your face, clean your mess, and get up off the floor when you’re done. You don’t belong down there.

• Seek out the people and places that resonate with your soul.

• Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

• 5-second rule. It’s just dirt. There are worse things in a fast food cheeseburger.

• You are a woman, you do not *need* a man! (But it is okay to want the right one. Let both your heart & your head guide you, and always ask me for advice. I’ll never lead you astray!)

• Happiness is not a permanent state. Wholeness is. Don’t confuse these.

• Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a choice.

• Never, ever walk through an alley alone.

• Be less sugar, more spice, and only as nice as you’re able to without compromising yourself.

• Can’t is a cop-out.

• Hold your heroes to a high standard. Be your own hero.

• If you can’t smile with your eyes, don’t smile. Insincerity is nothing to aspire to.

• Never lie to yourself.

• Your body, your rules. Let me say that again. YOUR BODY, YOUR RULES.

• If you have an opinion, you’d better know why.

• Practice your passions.

• Ask for what you want. The worst thing they can say is no.

• Wish on stars and dandelions, then get to work to make them happen.

• Stay as sweet as you are.

• Fall in love often: with ideas, art, music, literature, food, and far-off places.

• Fall hard and forever in love with yourself.

• Say Please, Thank You, and Pardon Me whenever the situation warrants it.

• Reserve “I’m sorry” for when you truly are.

• Naps are for grown-ups, too.

• Question everything except your own intuition.

• You have enough. You are enough.

• You are amazing! Don’t let anyone ever make you feel as though you are not. If someone does, walk away. You deserve better. Always know that!

• No matter where you are, you can always come home. Always!!

• Be happy and remember your roots, family is EVERYTHING.

• Say what you mean and mean what you say.

• *No one* will ever love you more than I do.

• Be kind; treat others how you would like them to treat you.

• If in doubt, remember whose daughter you are and straighten your crown.


Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert?

Take the test HERE to find out!


The talk about why Christian leaders and artists are walking away from the faith




A Drug Addict Stole His Dog, So He Offered To Pay For Her Treatment


When a man found out his beloved dog was stolen by a remorseful drug addict, he didn’t call the police — he offered to pay for her rehabilitation.

missing dog found rehab
Darla | Credit: Brayden Morton

Brayden Morton of Cranbrook, B.C., first posted on social media that his Shar-Pei, Darla, was taken from his yard in an old blue pick-up truck back in June. The post was shared around 30,000 times. He offered a $5,000 reward, so his phone started blowing up with people trying to help. Then he got a call from a blocked number. When he answered, all he could hear was what sounded like a young woman crying, but something in his gut told him this person had Darla. “She wasn’t talking yet, I could just hear her crying and I said to her ‘listen, I’m not mad at you, I’m not anything,'” Morton said. “‘I’ve messed up a lot in my life. Let me go home, I’ll grab the cash reward for you and I will come meet you. Where do you want to meet?'” He met the young woman at a mall parking lot and knew right away that she was addicted to drugs.

“As soon as I saw this young girl I knew she was addicted to drugs,” he said. “I walked up to her and gave her a hug and told her it was alright and I wasn’t mad because I understand what she’s going through all to well. I am a recovering fentanyl addict who has been in recovery for just over six years and I am a Drug and Alcohol Interventionist now. I was living the exact same way as she was six short years ago. I told her about my past and how messed up I was we talked for about 20 mins she told me she didn’t want the reward money she just couldn’t live with herself for taking Darla. She knew how many times my post had been shared and felt like shit about what she assisted in. I asked her if I could pay for her to go to treatment and this poor young girl and I just cried together and she finally said yes.”


Plugged in Movie Reviews

Check out these movie reviews and see if it’s safe for the whole family to watch!


The 7 Commandments of Decluttering. 


1- Use piles – you can see what you have

2- Keep it real with yourself – if you think you will keep everything, ask a friend to help you declutter. 

3- Change your mindset – try not to hold on to items with emotional attachments if you no longer have a need for them.

4- If you don’t use it… let it go

5- Invest in some home storage organizers

6- Everything has a place – should be the goal

7- Trust the process


Dog (and people) Safe Bday Cake Recipe


Delish released this recipe for a pup friendly cake so you can spoil your fur baby on their birthday or gotcha day!

10-12 servings

2 hours

For Cake: 2 Cups all purpose flour, 1 tsp. baking soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp kosher salt, 2 cups mashed ripe banana, 6 tbsp smooth peanut butter, 2 large eggs, 1/4 pure maple syrup.

For Frosting: 2 cups unsweetened greek yogurt. 1 cup smooth peanut butter, 2 tbsp pure maple syrup.


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease and liberally flour 2 8″ cake pans.
  • In medium bowl, whisk to combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.
  • In a large bowl, combine mashed banana, peanut butter, eggs, and maple syrup. Whisk until smooth, then fold in dry ingredients. Divide mixture evenly between 2 prepared pans.
  • Bake until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean, 20 to 25 min. Let cool 10 minutes, then tip out onto cooling racks to cool completely.
  • Meanwhile make frosting: in a large bowl, combine yogurt, peanut butter, and maple syrup and whisk or beat with a hand mixer until smooth.
  • Place 1 cake on serving plate and top with roughly 1/3 of the frosting, spreading in an even layer. Top with a second cake, flat side up. Frost the top and sides of the cake, reserving some frosting to be piped on top for decoration if desired.


6 Important Guidelines in Life


Annurag Batra posted the following important guidelines in life on LinkedIn:

1. When you are Alone, mind your Thoughts.
2. When you are with Friends, mind your Tongue.
3. When you are Angry, mind your Temper.
4. When you are with a Group, mind your Behavior.
5. When you are in Trouble, mind your Emotion.
6. When God starts blessing you, mind your EGO.


Pep’s Place


If you are in the Pepsi over Coke club, this place is for you!

A Delivery Only restaurant that celebrates the drink before the main course!

Details here!


Kindness from a stranger and her dog at a funeral home


6-year-old Raelynn Nast was mourning her father when a woman jogged by the funeral home with her dog.

dog comforts at funeral
Raelynn Nast, Emily Beineman and Blue. Raelynn’s father, Davey, died recently of colon cancer. He was just 41 years old. Raelynn was devastated. When Raelynn saw Emily Beineman running by with her dog, she asked if she could pet her dog. Raelynn explained that her father was lying inside, gave Blue a big hug, and then asked Emily if she wanted to come inside and see her dad.

dog comforts at funeral
Raelynn and Blue / CBS News

Beineman clearly wasn’t dressed for a funeral, but she also knew this was the last time that little girl would be able to introduce her daddy to anyone. So, she followed her gut and followed Raelynn down the aisle. “Everyone was kind of looking around like, ‘Where did she come from?’ And she came in right next to Rae like they’d known each other for so long. There was that connection there,” Raelynn’s mom, Lacey, said. Raelynn and Emily got together again this week and plan to stay friends forever.


7 Types of Rest


Experts say that you need 7 different types of rest and most likely you aren’t getting it.

1- Physical Rest (Enough sleep, taking breaks, Active (Yoga) or passive (naps)

2- Mental Rest (take a few minutes and walk outside, give your mind a rest)

3- Sensory Rest (phone screens, loud streets at night)

4- Creative Rest (enjoy the creation instead of worry about the creating)

5- Emotional Rest (express your emotions in a healthy way, don’t suppress them – cut back on people pleasing)

6- Social Rest (spend time with people who energize you, not exhaust)

7- Spiritual Rest (Spend time with Jesus)



You Never Know What Someone is Going Through

Sara Pascucci and some of her neighbors in Bethpage on Long Island recently received an anonymous letter that read, “Take your Christmas lights down! It’s Valentines Day!”

After receiving the letter, Pascucci wrote that she was hoping to pass on a message to the anonymous sender. She said that her entire family was sick with COVID-19 starting on Christmas Eve and that they lost two family members: her aunt and father, the latter of whom always loved decorating the house for Christmas.

“So yes, we haven’t gotten around to taking down his Christmas decorations,” she wrote. “And maybe we just aren’t ready to yet. I won’t apologize for this.” She then offered some advice. “Be kind to people because you never know what they are going through. May you never have to feel the pain that we have felt within the past few weeks. Maybe next time offer a helping hand to someone that may be in need.” The letter has instead inspired some neighbors to consider putting their lights back up after hearing why Pascucci still has the decorations on her house.

Full Story:

Restaurant Helps Support their Community with Prepaid Meal Tickets

Papis Fajita Factory in Denham Springs, Louisiana, has a wall with prepaid tickets for people that are hungry but can’t afford to buy food.

Denham Springs restauant free meal tickets

The person in need can simply grab a ticket with a meal they would like, which has already been paid for by a previous customer.

According to customers, the restaurant owners have been doing this for many years. Above the free meal tickets is an excerpt from the book of Matthew. “‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’.”


Send a Valentine to St. Jude!


You can help brighten a kid’s day at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by sending them a Valentine’s Day card!

Click HERE to find out more

Super Bowl Breakfast


The NFL-sanctioned Athletes in Action Super Bowl Breakfast has taken place in the Super Bowl host city every year since 1988, drawing sellout crowds to hear from some of sport’s biggest names. The Bart Starr Award, presented at the breakfast, honors Starr’s lifelong commitment to serving as a positive role model to his family, teammates and community. The winner of the Bart Starr Award is determined by NFL-player balloting at the end of the regular season, making it one of only two individual honors selected by the players themselves.

You can watch the 2020 Super Bowl Breakfast program on their Facebook page

Get more info on the Super Bowl Breakfast here

The Sound Track to healing….


from one of the most painful experiences. Stepping on a Lego brick…..

Find healing in the soothing sound of people building a Lego set our dumping a box of Lego bricks on the floor…this is a legit playlist, check it out here

The Ice Cream flavor you never knew you wanted


We love the Everything Bagel seasoning and chips! And now you can get this as an ice cream flavor!

Check it our here

How to be a part of Missions from Home


60% of the unreached live in countries that are closed to missionaries, but are open to college graduates. However, Tuition costs have grown by 5.4x since 1990. Today, the average graduate has $28,500 in student debt. Most missions sending agencies have a $20,000 debt limit for aspiring missionaries. The Go Fund Repayment program eliminates 100% of the student debt of their partners. And you can help! Learn more here

Stay in a Giant Potato!


Have you ever dreamed of staying the night in a unique place? Well, your dream could come true!



Check out their Airbnb page right here

Check how safe your passwords really are!
