The Care Community

School is out, some are out of work, some are still in work while kids are out of school, events are canceled, we can’t find toilet paper………..everything seems to be out of sorts and we find ourselves running all over the place. What first started out as a social media meme has quickly become a very real fear that everyone in our community is trying very hard not to face personally.

We can’t control the situations around us but we can control how we react to them.

To help with this, some communities have started Care Community Facebook groups! People in the community can post encouragement and update others on which stores are out of what, where the gas prices are lowest, and how restaurants and business are helping to care for the community!

If your community has a group like this or you have started one, help us encourage as many listeners as we can by sending us the link and we will add it to our database page! 866-441-4487

Stay encouraged and remember…….Wash your hands!


Upstate SC –