Want to Stay Steady In The Midst of Fear?

Teen Daily Bible Verse on Fear

The two of them made a covenant before the LORD. Then Jonathan went home, but David remained at Horesh. – 1 Samuel 23:18 (NIV)

When things got fearful in David’s life, he was able to remain steady. Why? It was his faith in God. David was able to remain at Horesh because he knew what God had said, held onto that, and it enabled him to remain steady when things got scary.

Faith is what will hold you steady when things get scary in your life. You might fear tests at school. Perhaps your parents are splitting up and the idea of that scares you more than you’d like to admit.

Scary situations hit us all at different points in our lives. However, it’s how we deal with these situations that show our character. Who do you become when fear hits?

Faith Holds You Steady In The Midst of Fear

When fear hits, faith is the thing that will hold you steady. Your faith and trust in God, in His goodness and His faithfulness to bring you out, is what will keep you going.

So even if you’re in the midst of something that seems so big and so scary, know this. God is with you. He is for you. He will never leave you. You can hold on to your faith that God will bring you out.

Today don’t give in to fear. Don’t let fear bully you. Instead, choose to put your faith in God. Let your faith be what holds you steady even if things seem really scary.